Contact Us
MSD Animal Health
Office A107, Level 1 – Wing A
Innovation Hub Building 2
Dubai Internet City
PO Box 502947
Dubai, UAE
Gulf & Levant
Tel: + 971 4 4468001
Fax: + 971 4 4562053/143
Email: Please use the form below
To view the MSD AH Gulf & Levant distributors list, please click here.
In case there’s a need to report any adverse event in your territory, kindly report it immediately, within the next 24 hours or no later than 3 calendar days from the receipt of any initial or follow up report, by email to the MAH Designated Point of Contact (DPOC) ahgulflevantpv@merck.com or call us at +971 4 4468030.
For pet owners only: if you wish to receive pet owner information and campaigns from MSD Animal Health, please fill up this registration form.
If you would like to have more information on any of the subjects on our website or any of our products, please contact us using the following form.
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