Nobivac Rabies

It is an inactivated vaccine for control of rabies in dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, goats, foxes, ferrets and horses..
Nobivac Rabies is an inactivated vaccine containing > 2 I.U. Rabies virus strain Pasteur RIV per dose. Also contains Aluminium phosphate as an adjuvant. 0.1 ml Thiomersal is added as a preservative.Provides maximum protection against rabies in dogs and cats for at least 3 years.
- Approved for the vaccination of healthy dogs and cats as an aid in preventing rabies
- Recommended for use in healthy dogs and cats 3 months of age or older
- Approved for the vaccination of healthy sheep and cattle as an aid in preventing rabies
- Approved for use in healthy sheep and cattle 3 months of age or older
Please see the product label for further information.
Packaging Quantities
Cardboard box with 10 or 50 glass type I vials with 1 ml, and carton with 1 vial of type 1 with 10 ml, with a rubber stopper and aluminium cap. Not all presentations may be marketed.